1.Checkout our products, choose the items and quantity
2. Place order in our order form or email us your selected item codes and shipping address (to estimate the shipping fee).
3. Receive email / manual invoice from us on the following issues (if any):
- shipping rate changes / shipping method (by request)
- payment method / information
- additional orders from you (to combine shipping)
- stock info (if stock not available)
- other changes
4. Confirmation of order inform by buyer by email/sms
5. Items will only be reserved based on the confirmation of order.
6. Email / sms to notify us after payment is made by buyer.
7. If no payment is received within 2 working days (unless specific payment date agreed by buyer & seller) after the confirmation of order, items will be released to next buyer.
8. Receive an update info from us on the following:
- payment has been received by us
- processing your order(s)
- item(s) delivered with courier /parcel tracking number given